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Cutter Solar Ltd.

Our Services

Solar PV

Solar P.V. or Solar Photovoltaics are a collection of crystalline cells, which produce electrical current when exposed to direct sunlight. Commonly referred to as Solar Panels, they can be installed on rooftops, or as a free-standing, ground mounted system.  

How it works

Panels are always installed in the optimum position to maximise electricity production from sunlight. When the sun hits the panel, the crystalline cells react and start converting sunlight to Direct Current Electrical Energy. This current is then converted via an inverter, to become Alternating Current which can be used in your home to run electrical systems and appliances.

The benefits

The most obvious benefit of solar panels is that the energy they produce is free, and reduces your reliance on the grid and on energy companies. This reduces your household bills, but also has the benefit of:

  • improving your carbon footprint
  • reducing your reliance on the National Grid and in turn on fossil fuels

The battery systems that we install to both new and retro-fit projects use high-quality, extensively tested, lithium-ion batteries, manufactured by SMA or Victron. Any power produced by your system that you do not immediately use, is drawn in by the battery and stored as you generate, then released when demand is high, as and when you need it.

The systems use an inverter charger to send the power to the battery, and the energy is drawn into the battery through this, or released back into your network. Once the battery is completely full, and you do not require any additional power, it will continue to be fed back into the grid. 

Electric car charging

Electric cars are rivalling fossil fuel vehicles as a realistic alternative, and electric car charging points at your home or your business can be a great USP. We are an approved installer for a number of brands, including Energeasy car charging points, which can be installed on their own, drawing off the National Grid, retrofitted as part of an existing renewable energy system, or we can install them alongside a solar panel installation. 

All the points are discreet, but will be accessible, and we have a choice of brands that we can install, which vary in style and price. 

Other Services

Alongside our eco-installation services, we also provide a full suite of energy use measurement tools, enabling you to manage energy use in real time and supporting you to lower overall energy burdens. Working with the team from our sister company Cutter Electrical, which is based in the same office, we can also support you with changes to your electrical systems including heating and lighting, to minimise their energy usage and therefore minimise overall reliance on the grid. In some cases, this approach has reduced overall grid reliance by 100%, creating fully self-sufficient systems for our clients.